Hawk Auto

About Hawk Auto

Hawk Auto Stripper is a trusted leader in the automotive recycling industry in the UK, specializing in responsible vehicle dismantling and parts salvage. With a strong commitment to environmental sustainability and utmost customer satisfaction, we are dedicated to revolutionizing the management of end-of-life vehicles. Since our establishment in 2022, our skilled team ensures the proper recycling and repurposing of automotive components, providing cost-effective solutions for vehicle owners and industry professionals across the UK.

Key Activities

Vehicle Dismantling

Our expert technicians meticulously disassemble vehicles, salvaging valuable components and parts for reuse or refurbishment.

Parts Salvage and Sales

Usable parts like engines, transmissions, headlights, and doors are carefully tested, stored, and made available for resale.

Scrap Metal Recycling

We responsibly recycle metal parts, reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing new metals and conserving valuable resources.

Environmental Compliance

As environmentally conscious practitioners, we strictly adhere to UK regulations, ensuring proper disposal of hazardous materials and fluids.

Disposal of Non-Recyclable Materials

Parts unsuitable for reuse or recycling are safely disposed of in accordance with environmental standards.

Used Auto Parts Sales

Our extensive inventory of salvaged and refurbished parts offers a greener, budget-friendly alternative to new OEM parts.


Environmental Impact

Hawk Auto Stripper actively contributes to a greener UK by reducing waste and conserving valuable resources through responsible recycling practices.


Our competitively priced used auto parts enable UK consumers to save on repairs and maintenance costs without compromising on quality.

Availability of Rare Parts

We help UK vehicle owners keep their cherished or discontinued models running by offering access to rare and hard-to-find components.

Economic Contribution

As an integral part of the UK automotive aftermarket industry, we generate employment opportunities and contribute to the local economy.
At Hawk Auto Stripper, we are passionate about making a positive impact on both the environment and the driving experiences of our customers in the UK. Join us in our journey towards a sustainable automotive future. Connect with us to explore how our eco-conscious solutions and extensive parts inventory can benefit you and your business.


Unit 14, Pimhole Business Park, Pimhole Road, Bury, England, BL97ET

Phone Number

Al Barakah is renowned, cost effective, out sourcing company of UAE and Pakistan. Our professional team based on world class human resources and professionalism.

Find us at the office

355 MB, Phase 6, DHA
Lahore, Pakistan
+92 321 8417766

Dubai Office

P.O.Box: 47545, Dubai - U.A.E
+971 561 186 007

Get in touch

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