
Late Haji Shabbir A Siddiqui


Mr. Shabbir Ahmad Siddiqui is a founder and Chairman of AL BARAKAH GROUP OF COMPANIES. He establishes AL-Barakah Engineering in 1977 latter it’s become Group of Companies.

Now AL-BARAKAH is open with new culture, participative management practices, innovations, continuous improvement, speedy response, empowerment and enjoying one’s job – are all the hallmarks of AL-BARAKAH GROUP OF COMPANIES.

Message from Founder,
If the people criticize on you, hurt you, or shout at you, don’t be upset. Just remember, in every game audience can makes the noise only, they are not the players! We develop grass rooters not parachuters.

Qadeer A Siddiqui

Chairman & CEO

Mr. Qadeer Siddiqui is a renowned Businessman and Entrepreneur of UAE and Pakistan, recognized globally. He is the CEO of AL-Barakah Group of Companies since (1990). He is a multi-dimensional approach personality with good track record of Business infrastructure building/ Media Industry and Pioneer in scrap Business since 2011. His Interest in media industry over the years of media expertise which was developed in Pakistan and latter in UAE, his previous vast exposure Internationally, urged an entrepreneurial thrust of his motivation he became an honored Editor in Chief of Aalmeen News after a successful carrier with more than 2 decades of experience in content publishing and corporate communications in Pakistan and Middle East

Tanveer A Siddiqui

Honorary Executive Director

Mr. Tanveer A Siddiqui, is an Honorary Executive Director of AB Group of Companies.

Khurram S Siddiqui

Executive Director

Fusce ut lorem magna. In eget purus blandit ante ullamcorper tempus eu ac arcu. Vivamus vel lobortis justo, at tempor quam. Nam quis tristique augue, quis mollis ipsum.

Mauris porta eleifend sem ac accumsan. Sed at lacinia purus. Donec non odio enim. Vivamus placerat sagittis eros nec consectetur. Pellentesque at vulputate eros. Maecenas et quam et eros convallis tempor blandit sit amet purus. Suspendisse tempus tristique tellus, non facilisis massa maximus ut. Proin eu tempus ligula.

Nasir S Siddiqui

Managing Director at Al Baraka Estate

Nasir Siddiqui is a seasoned and renowned name in the real estate industry of Pakistan having over 13 years of experience mostly spent at Chohan estate. During his tenure he earned a good name for his honest property deals and outstanding performance.

Nasir Siddiqui has vast experience dealing with many high profile figures. Amongst his clients are many army officers, politicians, industrialists and major market investors who successfully purchased properties in DHA and Gulberg and have firm trust in him.

Tauqeer A Siddiqui

Executive Director

Fusce ut lorem magna. In eget purus blandit ante ullamcorper tempus eu ac arcu. Vivamus vel lobortis justo, at tempor quam. Nam quis tristique augue, quis mollis ipsum.

Mauris porta eleifend sem ac accumsan. Sed at lacinia purus. Donec non odio enim. Vivamus placerat sagittis eros nec consectetur. Pellentesque at vulputate eros. Maecenas et quam et eros convallis tempor blandit sit amet purus. Suspendisse tempus tristique tellus, non facilisis massa maximus ut. Proin eu tempus ligula.

Al Barakah is renowned, cost effective, out sourcing company of UAE and Pakistan. Our professional team based on world class human resources and professionalism.

Find us at the office

355 MB, Phase 6, DHA
Lahore, Pakistan
+92 321 8417766

Dubai Office

P.O.Box: 47545, Dubai - U.A.E
+971 561 186 007

Get in touch

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